• Pedigree Adult Dry Dog Fo

    • Complete & balanced dog food, a perfect food for adult dogs
    • Contains 20% crude Protein, 10% crude Fat, and 5% crude Fibre
    • Provides strong muscles, bones & teeth and healthier & shinier coat
    • dog food that also promotes Digestive Health and supports Natural Defences
    • Provides dogs the 5 Signs of Good Health – a PEDIGREE assurance!
    • Dogs need 2x Calcium, 2.5x Iron & 9x Vitamin B12 than humans, an ideal treat
    • Developed by experts at the Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition
    • Ideal for Pugs, Beagle to Labrador, Golden Retriever & German shepherd

    Pedigree Adult Dry Dog Fo

  • Dime Store Wooden Serving

    • WOODEN SPOON SET : These serving and cooking spoon kitchen set is a perfect cooking ware for your day to day kitchen and cooking needs
    • KITCHEN ORGANIZER ITEMS FOR HOME COOKING : Make your day to day cooking easier with these kitchen organizer items and kitchen accessories items for home
    • MULTI USE SET : This kitchen set of kitchen items cooking accessories include various type of spoons such as pasta server, serving spoon, soup ladle, flat spatula and wok turner
    • DURABLE KITCHEN ITEM : Thick and strong quality handles that are perfectly sanded, smooth, light, and without coating. They don’t heat up, melt or break
    • EASY MAINTENANCE : Wash with mild soap or liquid, do not scrub a lot as it might scratch the wooden spoons, polish with oil every month

    Dime Store Wooden Serving


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